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Santander x asperIT

Santander employees improved their knowledge and competencies on working with people on the autism spectrum

Santander Bank employees participated in two levels of specialised training on working with people on the autism spectrum from our Educational Path.

At the first level, workers learned about the specifics, diagnosis and characteristics of autism. They have learnt the necessary terminology and concepts to talk about autism consciously and responsibly.

At the second level, managers, leaders and HR representatives have found out how to collaborate effectively, how to create a friendly working and communication environment as well as how to approach the recruitment of people on the autism spectrum. Employees have received practical tips and have learnt about good practices, based on real-life examples (case study). Any doubts were resolved during a question-and-answer session with an asperIT expert.

Santander builds awareness of autism among its employees and supports #neurodiversity! Does your company take into account the needs of neurodiverse people? Do you know how to work with a neurodiverse employee and client?

Find out what we can do together in your company
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Check Santander’s opinion about working wth us

(...) As part of the asperIT project, two webinars took place at the bank concerning the subject of autism (...) The conduct of the meetings was characterised by a high level of commitment and expertise. The knowledge about autism was conveyed in a reliable, interesting and engaging way to participants and attendees. The activity implemented by the organizers of the asperIT project had made an important contribution to building awareness of autism in the organization.
Our cooperation has been very effective and we confidently recommend cooperation with asperIT.com for educational activities concerning the topic of autism.

Adrianna DadejSpecjalistka ds. relacji pracowniczych w Santander