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Analysis of the company’s readiness for neurodiversity

The autism spectrum affects approx. 1 person in 100. This means that there may already be people on the spectrum working in your company, and you don’t know about it. Neuronontyptical people, which means those whose nervous systems developed differently and function in a non-standard way, can be very good employees if they have a supportive work environment. Is your company adequately prepared to fully capitalize the full potential of neurodiversity*? Are you properly supporting your current neuroatypical employees?

*neurodiversity – diversity resulting from the different development and functioning of the nervous system for example In people on the autism spectrum and with Asperger’s syndrome.

Prepare your company for neurodiversity

Prepare your company for neurodiversity

Perhaps your company is already working towards D&I (diversity and inclusivity, i.e. a culture of respecting and accepting the different characteristics of each employee). The question, however, is whether they take neurodiversity into account? Are you ready to work with people on the autism spectrum? Are your company’s processes, communications and working environment aligned with their needs? At asperIT, we will help you check it out. We will audit the company’s preparedness for neurodiversity, identify how to improve areas for improvement and conduct an education campaign among employees about autism and the benefits of neurodiversity.

Our consultant will help you tailor an offer to your company’s needs

What you need to know about autism and neurodiversity,
to make it an asset in your business.

We were the first in Poland to create a strategy for building neurodiversity in companies and organisations.
These are three levels of acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge, the implementation of which is essential to make the most out of a diverse team:

Level I: Provides key information about autism and the characteristics of people on the autism spectrum and necessary workplace adaptations.

Level II: Prepares your team to work directly with a people on the spectrum. Teaches about communication strategies, recruitment, work organisation and support.

Level III: Creates tailored solutions to work with a specific employee on the autism spectrum in your company.

The analytics path offered by asperIT addresses Level I and Level II issues and prepares the company for the introduction of Level III, which provides full integration of neurodiversity and enables its use in business operations.

Carry out an analysis with us to check your company’s readiness to support neurodiversity and enhance the competencies of your employees

An audit is a comprehensive process that examines a company’s current solutions and provides educational campaign among employees. The audit will supply you with a comprehensive report containing a description of the current state. Moreover, it will also give you all the recommendations necessary to create a supportive working environment for people on the autism spectrum, who are already working in your company or are yet to be hired.

What is included in the neurodiversity analysis package?

Awareness campaign on the autism spectrum in the company’s internal channels

Webinar on working with people on the autism spectrum for all willing employees

Q&A session to allay any employee concerns

One-to-one interviews with people on the spectrum who come forward in the course of the analysis being conducted

Research visit to company premises or evaluation of remote working infrastructure

Exploring workplace adaptations to the expectations and needs of people on the autism spectrum

Awareness campaign in asperIT channels on the company’s work on neurodiversity

Online meeting to discuss the results of the analysis and action strategy report.

Why is it worth taking advantage of a company preparation audit
for neurodiversity?

  • You will find out if there are already people on the autism spectrum working in your company and how you can adapt your working conditions, to support their personal development and that of the whole team.
  • You will learn which areas in the company are friendly to people on the autism spectrum (including those with Asperger’s syndrome) and which need to be adapted.
  • You will check what processes, communication and recruitment are ready to work with people on the autism spectrum.
  • You will received prepared recommendations and guidelines on what to change or implement to improve the availability of positions for new talent, people on the autism spectrum.
  • You will prepare your organisation to implement a neurodiversity and employment policy for people on the autism spectrum, including those with Asperger’s syndrome.
  • You will join the ranks of companies that are friendly to people on the autism spectrum, which influences positive employer branding.

Want to know more about the audit and the benefits it will bring you?

Want to know more about the audit and the benefits it will bring you?