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How to create a test scenario?

A test scenario is crucial for systematizing and normalizing the testing procedure. However, its definition is very broad – industry experts view a test scenario in many different ways. It is worth making it responsive to the needs of a specific project and testing as many interactions as possible. At the same time, it is worth considering the direction in which our tests are going – whether we are testing separate scenarios (a given element of system operation) or comprehensive paths through the software.

Why is the test scenario so important?

Structuring the test procedure translates into its effectiveness. Comprehensive test design in such a way that as many interactions as possible can be tested gives us a very realistic picture of how a given piece of software works. A test scenario should allow us to test many different test cases, rather than one specific software function. This is a solution that is very commonly used for various types of software. Both the web application tester, as well as the mobile application tester and many other experts seeking to test the functionality of a piece of given software will often choose a scenario adapted to their specific task.

Test scenario design and execution – what should they include?

We should start creating a test scenario by thinking about what we are testing – what is the purpose of our test. At this stage, we promise to set a clear framework for the test – when we can consider the test a success and when we can consider it a failure. At the same time, when designing the test scenario, we need to keep in mind the difference between synthetic testing and the real use of the software by users. The next stage is to execute the tests. To make this possible, it is necessary to prepare a test procedure. As part of the scenario, it is also worth detailing the various interactions and how they should take place. If we are testing whether an application allows us, for example, to place a product in the shopping cart, a positive test result will be a situation in which the information about the presence of this item in the cart is saved, and a negative one will be a situation in which it is not saved. While this is obvious, including such information in the design of the test scenario can be considered good practice – it helps to maintain a certain consistency and transparency in the scenario. However, it is optional – an experienced software tester can abandon this type of practice altogether.

Creation of a test scenario that meets the needs of the software in question

Most experienced testers use their knowledge of the functionality of a particular type of software to create a scenario to help successfully verify the effectiveness of a piece of given software. In the case of testers from asperIT, the contractor using their services does not have to create a ready-made test scenario, and can rely on customizing it to fit the specific features of its product.