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Essential knowledge on the autism spectrum

– training courses for companies

There are around half a million people on the autism spectrum in Poland. On a daily basis, they struggle with misunderstanding, difficulties due to the different functioning of their brain and nervous system and have difficulty finding work. Meanwhile, the specific competences of people on the autism spectrum or with Asperger’s syndrome can be an asset in many professions! In order to create a neuroatypical-friendly* environment, adequate knowledge of autism and strategies for dealing with a worker on the autism spectrum are needed. This is not difficult, but it does require an openness to change and a willingness to implement it.

*neuroatypical person is, in asperIT, a person on the autism spectrum

How to gain a sound knowledge of autism and Asperger’s syndrome?

What you need to know about autism and neurodiversity,
to be an asset to your business?

At asperIT, we were the first in Poland to create a strategy for building neurodiversity in companies and organisations.
These are the three levels of the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge, the implementation of which is essential to make the most of a diverse team:

Level I: Provide key information about autism and the characteristics of people on the autism spectrum necessary workplace adaptations for people on the autism spectrum.

Level II: Preparing staff to work directly with a person on the spectrum. Learning about communication strategies, recruitment, work organisation and support.

Level III: Creating tailor-made solutions to work with a specific employee on the autism spectrum or with Asperger’s syndrome in your company.

The educational pathway prepared by asperIT covers level one and level two topics. It is delivered in the form of two intensive online or offline training courses, which have been developed by our tutors who work on a daily basis with people on the autism spectrum in neurodiverse teams. You are assured of gaining sound knowledge from practitioners given in an accessible way.

        • There is no limit on the number of people in the training courses.
        • Every online meeting is recorded, so you can go back to the content provided or share it with new employees at any time.

Level I
Introductory traininge

Essential knowledge

Content of the induction training

What does it contain?

Covers basic issues related to the specificities of the autism spectrum:

  • explains the terms related to autism,
  • prepares you to speak responsibly about autism,
  • shows the diagnostic pathway,
  • allows you to understand the perspective of the neuroatypical person and find common ground for fruitful collaboration,
  • indicates the current situation of people on the autism spectrum from the point of view of demography, culture, medicine,
  • explains the differences between neurodiversity and disorder,
  • highlights the benefits and limitations of employing people on the autism spectrum.

For whom?

The training is dedicated to all employees regardless of their position. It broadens knowledge, allows a better understanding of colleagues and family members who are individuals on the autism spectrum. The training can prompt employees who experience difficulties in their daily lives to undertake a diagnosis for autism. Getting a diagnosis will allow them to better understand themselves and their needs. It will also enable adjustments to be made to support daily life and work. This affects both the development of the employee and the quality of cooperation within the team and the development of the company as a whole. Awareness and understanding are essential to building strong teams that are open to each individual and bring out their potential.

Benefits of achieving level I

  • You will understand what autism is, how diverse and common it is.
  • You will learn about the characteristics of people on the spectrum.
  • You will better understand the needs of your neurodiverse colleagues or family members.
  • You will learn how to respond appropriately and support people on the spectrum.
  • You will know how to behave in difficult social situations when dealing with a neuroatypical person.
  • Deal with communication with clients who may be on the autism spectrum.
  • You will learn what a diagnosis looks like and what having an official diagnosis gives you.

Level II
Extension training

Handling strategies

Scope of the extension training

What does it contain?

A training course extending Level I knowledge, presenting knowledge and practical tips for dealing with staff and clients on the autism spectrum. Helps to understand:

  • How to manage a neurodiverse team at different levels;
  • How to recruit and support people on the spectrum;
  • how to manage a team to benefit from the neurodiversity of its members;
  • what management strategies should be implemented to prevent problems;
  • how to deal with difficult situations;
  • How to support the development of employees in the spectrum and the work of neurodiverse teams.

At this level, practical solutions, experiences, exemplary stories (case studies) are communicated, handling strategies and adjustments to be implemented to meet the expectations of employees on the autism spectrum are discussed.

For whom?

The training is dedicated to people who will or already work directly with people on the autism spectrum (managers, HR, leaders, buddies*, members of the neurodiversity team).

*buddies – a person, usually working in the same team, who supports a new employee or an employee in the spectrum in clarifying doubts and supporting in professional problems.

Benefits of achieving Level II

  • You will better understand your employees’ needs by carefully analysing their activities you will catch problems at an early stage. This will streamline the work being done and make it more efficient.
  • You will know how to improve processes, communication and collaboration.
  • You will understand and learn how to use the honest feedback provided by staff on the autism spectrum.
  • You will learn how to respond and intervene in difficult situations.
  • You will learn how to support the development of employees on the autism spectrum or with Asperger’s syndrome.
  • You will start to notice places and processes for improvement that can significantly improve the work of the whole team.
  • In an increasingly difficult market for professionals, you have the chance to attract talented individuals who have not previously gone through the classic recruitment process.

Our team of tutors is led by Jacek Śmigiel – author of the training methods within the asperIT programme, job coach and therapist for people on the autism spectrum. Since 2005, she has provided training in support, diagnosis and therapy for people on the spectrum.

He provides tutoring for employees on the spectrum and for managers working with them. She accompanies people on the spectrum and trains them during asperIT projects. He has worked hundreds of hours on finding solutions to connect people on the spectrum with neurotypicals. It emphasises the importance of individualising solutions to people’s needs.

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