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Body leasing of software testers

outsourcing of IT employees

Are you short of hands and heads for software testing work?
Don’t want to waste time searching for and recruiting new employees?

Hire a software tester from asperIT.com!

At asperIT, we employ software testers on the autism spectrum. As part of our body leasing service of testers, one of our neurodiverse workers will join your project team. People on the autism spectrum are attentive to detail, meticulous and thorough. They find errors that escape other testers. They will help you improve the quality of your software, which will increase your customers’ satisfaction and their confidence in your products.


Are you short of hands and heads for software testing work?
Don’t want to waste time searching for and recruiting new employees?

Hire a software tester from asperIT.com!

At asperIT, we employ software testers on the autism spectrum. As part of our body leasing service of testers, one of our neurodiverse workers will join your project team. People on the autism spectrum are attentive to detail, meticulous and thorough. They find errors that escape other testers. They will help you improve the quality of your software, which will increase your customers’ satisfaction and their confidence in your products.


Our testers can work remotely or stationary at your premises. You can use their services for as long as you need them. In addition, we will train your employees on how to communicate with the neuroatypical people, to make the collaboration successful.

Along with a qualified ISTQB-certified tester, you will be supported by a tutor-therapist and a test manager. They will monitor the work and support the people from your company, who work with our tester.

What do you gain from working with asperIT’s neuroatypical testers?

  • You will learn about the hidden bugs in your software and the order in which to fix them.
  • You will strengthen your team with an ISTQB-certified manual tester.
  • You will gain a committed and loyal employee.
  • You will gain a new perspective on software testing.
  • You hire a tester for your project exactly when you need it.
  • You will limit your expenses – you will only pay for the actual hours the tester works.
  • You will not incur the costs of recruiting and hiring a new tester to join the team.
  • Your team will receive training on the autism spectrum and communication with a neurodiverse person in order to make the collaboration successful.

By working with aspertIT, you will experience the quality of testers on the autism spectrum without incurring business risks. Their accuracy and meticulousness allows the detection of deeply hidden errors. It is better that our testers find them, then your customers.

Is it worth using body leasing for software testers?

It is becoming increasingly popular to outsource software testing to external companies (test outsourcing) and to hire IT specialists for a specific project. Why?

  1. You benefit from the work of a specialist when you need it.
  2. You don’t worry about the cost of recruiting and employing bodyleased tester.
  3. You get an independent opinion on the quality of your products.

Our clients are satisfied with the work of testers on the autism spectrum. They value them for their commitment and the accuracy of their tests. Some companies, after using the body leasing service of the neuronontypical manual tester, have decided to employ them in their team on a permamently.

Find out yourself about tester on the autism spectrum work quality and effectiveness.

What is included in the body leasing package?


An employee ready to join your testing team, available on an exclusive basis at a time of collaboration chosen for you.


Employees and managers working directly with our tester will receive training to prepare them to work with a person on the autism spectrum.


The asperIT employee will be able to benefit from online meetings with the work tutor and the asperIT test tutor.

Feedback from associates
with testers on the autism spectrum

Feedback from associates
with testers on the autism spectrum

Body leasing in practice? Check out our case study


How can companies benefit from neurodiversity? Listen in on the podcast!

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