We supported the pilot implementation of the Neurodiversity Center of Excellence in EY Poland
Cyber security specialists on the autism spectrum? Yes! This is possible when you know how to prepare for the needs and expectations of the neurodiverse worker.
In 2021, we supported EY Poland to train and recruit people on the autism spectrum to its cyber security team as part of EY Poland’s pilot implementation of the first Neurodiversity Centre of Excellence in Poland.
EY Poland chose our RECRUITMENT PATH in which we provided training to the company’s employees on how to work with people on the autism spectrum and how to build an autism-friendly working environment, and supported the recruitment, training and onboarding of candidates on the spectrum.
EY Poland, in its concern for the development of its neuroatypical employees, has also provided them with the support of asperIT tutors and coaches as part of the CONSULTATION PATH, as the individual development of their exceptional employees is important in the company’s development.